Simplie Kimmie
Simplie Kimmie
Hey! I’m Kimmie. I’m the live wedding artist but there’s so much more to me. First and foremost I’m a Christian, now I might cuss more than I should but I worship louder. I’m a wife and when people say “better half”, he really is my better half. I’ll never understand what I did to deserve him but I’m grateful! We are chicken parents and I’m obsessed with them.
Contrary to what most might think, I have had no professional art training. I didn’t even take an art class in high school. I actually took flower shop as a GPA booster. I grew up going to my grandmother’s during the summers. She is a professional impressionist artist and to say I learned from her is an understatement. She can do things with paint and canvas I’ll never be able to do. I pull so much inspiration from her and some of the things that she has taught me.
So if you were to ask me where you can find me in five years, I hope right here doing what I love!
I decided to get into live wedding painting for a number of reasons. When I got married, live wedding painting was not very popular so finding someone to paint my wedding, so I wanted to fill that void. I also LOVE being apart of couples' big days. I love interacting with the guests as well spending time with the couple. When you hire me, not only do you get an artist, but also a friend.